NB 24-05
Designing Digital Retirement Outreach Programs Targeting
Black, Hispanic, and White Workers
with Luisa Blanco
NB 23-01
Expanding Research Capacity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
with Nicole Maestas
NB 23-09
Designing Outreach Programs to Low-to-Middle Income Black and Hispanic Workers
with Luisa Blanco
NSF Award No. 2127199
Collaborative Research: The Effects of Information, Mentoring and Time on Economic Faculty at MSIs
with Danielle Dickens and James Poterba
NSF Award No. 1832144
Excellence in Research: The impact of online comparison websites on the remittance industry
with Daniel Xu
NSF Award No. 1649921
Using eye tracking to study migrant remittances and its welfare implications
with Eduardo Nakasone and Máximo Torero
Summer Institute on Field Experiments Award
An experiment on framing and referrals to boost impact investing
in collaboration with VestedWorld
A Workshop for Broadening Participation in the Economics Profession: Proposal Writing and Grants Management