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Metacognitive Awareness and Academic Performance
With Jarod Apperson, A. Nayena Blankson, Francesina Jackson, Bruce Wade, and Jimmeka G. Wright
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings (forthcoming)
[Journal Article (available by May)] [NBER WP] [Data and Code]
What Can Historically Black Colleges and Universities Teach about Improving Higher Education Outcomes for Black Students?
With Gregory Price
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 37 (3), 213-232
[Journal Article] [NBER WP] [Data and Code] [Diverse Issues]
Implementing an Intervention in the Spelman College
African Diaspora and the World Course
With Francesina Jackson, Jimmeka Guillory,
A. Nayena Blankson, and Bruce Wade
Journal of Global Postcolonial Studies 8 (1), 19-27
[Journal Article] [AEA Registry]
Lessons Learned from a Multidisciplinary Randomized Controlled Trial
With Francesina Jackson, Jimmeka Guillory,
A. Nayena Blankson, and Bruce Wade
Review of Black Political Economy 46 (2), 160-166
[Journal Article] [AEA Registry]
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